Chris appointed as Expert Advisor to MAG

Chris has been appointed as an Expert Advisor to the Ministerial Advisory Group (MAG). MAG’s primary role is to advise the Minister for Communities on the implementation and development of the Architecture and the Built Environment policy, championing high quality design. You can find out more about MAG here.

The MAG advises on the implementation and development of the Architecture and Built Environment Policy for Northern Ireland. It has a clear vision and consists of individuals who have the expertise and ambition to improve placemaking and stewardship in the built environment.

It is ably assisted by expert advisors who have a range of specialist skills and who can be called-upon to assist the MAG in areas such as placemaking, urban design, heritage and sustainability, as well as advising on MAG specific initiatives.

MAG comprises a Chair and eight members with diverse experience and expertise in the field of architecture and the built environment; the Group is supported by a panel of Expert Advisors and a secretariat within the Department for Communities.

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